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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process of upgrading your site to improve and raise its visibility for relevant searches. The increased visibility of your pages in search results will attract and draw the attention of the customers towards your business.
Digital Marketing Company

Functions of SEO

Search engines like Google and Bing crawl pages on the web using “bots”.
They go from site to site and gather information about those pages and arrange them in an index. Then, algorithms analyze the pages of the index and consider hundreds of signals or ranking factors to determine the order by which the pages should appear in the search results for a given query. Search ranking factors are the proxies for features of the user experience. Content quality and keyword research are the important factors of content optimization. Crawlability and mobile-friendliness are the most important factors of site architecture. Search algorithms surface relevant pages and provide efficient search experience to the users. Lamdasoft SEO Company, takes up the responsibility to optimize your site and content with these factors in mind and thus helps your pages to rank higher in search results. You cannot pay search engines to get higher organic search rankings like paid search ads.
SEO Company

Importance Of SEO For Marketing

SEO is the most important part of digital marketing because people all over the world make trillions of searches every year with commercial intent to get information about products and services. Search is the source of digital traffic for brands and complements which is used more than the other marketing channels. Greater visibility and higher ranking than your competitors will surely bring your business to a higher level. The search results are evolving day by day to provide more direct answers to the users. The aim is to keep users on the results page than driving them to other websites. Rich results and Knowledge Panels in the search results increase visibility and provide more information about your company which directly influences the results.

1. On-Page SEO

2. Off-Page SEO

Types Of SEO

On-Page SEO

On-page search is completely under the control of the publisher. A balance between the “needs of your audience” and “making your pages search engine friendly” are the challenges in this. The title of the page or article, the research done on the topic, keywords used and more should satisfy the needs of the specific audience. The HTML headings, anchor text and other details must provide hints to both search engines and also the audience about the content relevancy. Your site architecture should support the search engine crawlers to navigate through your site and at the same time, help users to find the results of their searches.

Pick The Best Linkbuilding Techniques For Your Business

The search engines do not merely evaluate the matter on the page that is visible to users. Off-page ranking factors are out of the influence of the creator or publisher. Search engines evaluate the reputation, quality of backlinks of a site, the geographic location of the user and other factors to deliver the maximum relevant results. Even though these factors cannot be easily controlled on per-page basis, they must be considered when optimizing your site for search.

Off-Page SEO

Get Your Website On Top Position


Ranking in SEO refers to the specific spot of your page on the search results pages for a search query. When people search terms in Google that are related to the subject matter of your page, the spot where your URL is shown in is your ranking. Search engines show about 10 results per page, and higher keyword ranking gets your page closer to the top of the page. Lower keyword rankings would bring your page down to the bottom. This keyword ranking may also determine which page in the SERP a URL is being shown with more relevant results on page 1 and less relevant results on page 2 the next pages.
Link building is the process is letting other websites to link to your website. A SEO company would work on building links to drive traffic to your websites to promote your business. Google’s algorithms are advancing in technology day by day but backlink is an important factor for search engines to determine which site should rank at which positions depending upon keywords. Building links is the most important tactic used in search engine optimization (SEO) because they are signals to Google that your site is qualified for citation. Therefore, the sites with many backlinks earn higher rankings.

Links and Link Building

Get Your Business on Local

Local Seo

Local SEO or search engine optimization focuses on optimizing a website to be relevant in local search results. Optimizing for local search is very important because local businesses at your city, town, region and state will surely facilitate more people to find information about your business easily and quickly, bringing them one step closer to a business deal.
Keyword research is the first step of SEO campaign. Keywords are the keys to unlock the door of progress of your business. Keyword research is the process of finding out words and phrases called “keywords” that people use in search engines like Google and YouTube. Keywords should target audience the exact words and phrases that they are searching must give them relevant information when they enter your web page. Keyword research influences all other SEO tasks like content topics, on-page SEO, email marketing and content promotion.

Keyword Research And Usage

Get Your Business on Local

Mobile SEO

The process of optimizing your website to have the specifications for your site to look great and function properly on mobile devices, regardless of the screen size is Mobile SEO. Most of the consumers shop on mobile devices and this number is increasing day by day as the smart devices are becoming more advanced and accessible. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, it affects your SEO and your audience’s idea about your business. To prevent bad mobile experiences, you must optimize your site to be in a mobile-friendly status.
The process of optimizing your website from various regions of the world is called international SEO. It is process of driving organic traffic from different countries –“ multiregional SEO” and also from people speaking different languages – “multilingual SEO”. If you are catering to people in English, Spanish, and French websites, that is multilingual SEO. If you are catering to people in US, UK, Canada, and Australia using English, that is multiregional SEO. You can combine multilingual and multiregional SEO also.

International SEO

Know About Crawling & Site Audit

Crawling And Site Audit

Search engines crawl websites to perform an indexation – to find content and store it in databases. After the content has been indexed, it is served up on (SERPS) search engine results pages for search queries. Site audit is a tool which evaluates how a search engine discovers, crawls, and indexes each and every element of a webpage of an entire domain.

Lamdasoft SEO Company in provides ECommerce conversions, sales leads, and increased brand awareness to your business. We could show you how your website ranks higher than your competitors for particular keywords. Reports could also reveal which keywords attract visitors who convert to customers. Our SEO analytics reporting involves in actions taken to improve content, shift keywords, reposition information, or add pages to get the utmost benefit. If we see a particular keyword associated with a high bounce rate, we analyze the use of that keyword and decide if it is appropriate to be used in landing page.

Analytics and Reporting

Best Website Designing Company

Get your website designed at Lamdasoft which would help you to generate more leads and sales for your business with user-friendly design and powerful call-to-action strategies. Our company is the best Website Designing company, Tamil Nadu, India providing cutting-edge web design services internationally, keeping the most crucial features for a website in mind such as user-friendly navigation, responsive design and high loading speed. Our main aim as a Website Designing Company is to provide industry’s best product to compete in the market.