It's Time for Enhance Your Business in Online

Social Media Marketing

Lamdasoft Provides Top Quality Social Media Marketing Services which is one of the most powerful ways for advertising all types of businesses to reach the customers.

Social Media Marketing Services In Salem


The customers are always interacting with brands through social media, and if you are not communicating with them through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, You Tube and WhatsApp, you are surely missing out! Skillful marketing on social media would bring great success to your business by creating loyal brand advocates which result in driving leads and sales.
Social Media Marketing Services

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing( SMM) is a type of internet marketing done by creating and sharing content on social media networks to attain your branding and marketing goals. It involves activities like posting updates of text, image, videos, and content that would drive audience engagement and paid social media advertising.

Social Media Marketing Agency

Being the leading Social Media Marketing Agency, we have designed a plan to promote your business.

*First your business goals are considered.

* What is the achievement that should be made through social media marketing?

*Who is your target audience and which social media would they use?

*What is your message to your audience?

*In what way do you want to inform about your business type and drive your SMM strategy?

Considering all these factors, a perfect plan will be made which will be put into action.

Plan And Strategy

How To Use Social Media Marketing To Reach Marketing Goals?

*Increases website traffic

*Builds conversions

* Raises brand awareness

*Creates brand identity and brand association.

*Improves communication and interaction with target audiences.

*The more engaged your target audience is in social media, the higher are the chances for you to achieve other marketing goals also!

Social Media Content Planning

Keyword research and competitive research should be done to create brainstorm content ideas which would draw the interest of your target audience. Social content reigns supreme in social media marketing. So regular posts should be made in social media which would give truly valuable information about your business like infographics, images, videos, how-to guides and more that your customers will find helpful and interesting.

Best Social Media Marketing Practices

Social Media Marketing in Online

Brand Image Should Be Consistent

Social media Marketing projects your brand image across many different social media platforms. Each platform has its own unique presentation and voice but the core identity of your business – the brand Image should always stay consistent.
Social media marketing is a perfect channel to share your site and blog content with readers. Once you have a set of audience following you on social media, you’ll be able to regularly post new contents and make sure your readers get the latest information about your business. Additionally, great blog content will enable you build more followers. Surprisingly, content marketing and social media marketing help mutually.

Social Media for Content Promotion

Get Your Business on Local

Sharing Curated Links

Social media marketing is a great way to influence the customers with your unique content to gain fans, followers and devotees. It is also a good opportunity to link to articles at other sites also. If other web sources contain valuable information that your target audience will enjoy, go ahead and link to them! Curating and linking to outside sources increases trust and reliability and in return, you may also get some links.
It is very important to keep an eye on competitors as they provide valuable information for keyword research and insight of other social media marketing. If your competitors work with a certain social media marketing channel or technique which gives them success, consider working on the same and even doing better than them!

Tracking Competitors

Get Your Business on Local

Calculating Success Using Analytics

The success of social media marketing strategies can be determined by tracking data. Using Google Analytics, social media marketing techniques can be measured and also determine which strategies are better to be used. Tracking tags are attached to social media marketing campaigns to monitor them. Analytics within each social media platform should be used to get an insight of which social content is the most liked one by your audience.
There may be some crisis arising for brands on social media. A Web Designing Company is always well equipped to handle all the crisis and ensure the success of your project or business through Social Media Marketing.

Crisis Management

Know About Crawling & Site Audit

Choose the suitable Social Media Platforms

Social media for marketing should be used according the unique user base and environment of the particular platform. Different approaches should be made for different social media marketing sites. So a unique strategy should be tailored for each platform.
Facebook is a very informal, casual, and friendly environment that requires a very interactive social media marketing strategy. Firstly, a Facebook Business Fan Page should be created. Careful attention should be paid to layout because the visual component is a most important aspect of the Facebook experience. People visit facebook to relax and chat with friends. So, tone should be light and friendly. Organic reach on Facebook is limited. Hence, a cost-effective Facebook ad strategy is preferred which can make a big impact on organic Facebook reach as well!



Twitter is the social media marketing tool which is used to publicize your updates through the web. Tweeters in your industry or related fields should be followed and also a group of valuable followers should be gained in return. The official tweets should also be blended with specials, funs, discounts, and brand-building tweets. Always retweet to a customer who complements your business and also answer all queries. Chatting and interacting as much as possible is the best practice one should follow in Twitter to develop and build his business.
LinkedIn is a professional social media marketing site. LinkedIn Groups prefer professional dialog with people in similar fields and industries to share ideas with like-minded persons. Information about job opportunities and general employee networking can be done through this site. When customers give their recommendations to your business on your LinkedIn profile, they make your business appear more reliable for new customers. Also, answering the questions in Linkedin helps you to establish your business and earns trust.



YouTube is the prime channel for creating and sharing video content. It is a powerful social media marketing tool and many businesses create various video contents expecting their videos to “go viral,” but alas, they fail! The best strategy is to focus on creating useful “how-to” videos. These have the added benefit of ranking high on the video search results of Google.
WhatsApp is a social media that is being used via iPhone, Android, Windows phone, and others. Web app and desktop versions are also available. WhatsApp uses your phone’s contact list. Groups are formed in WhatsApp and messages, photos, and videos can be shared using WhatsApp.


Lamdasoft Webdesign and Digital Marketing Company, Tamil Nadu

We are the leading Social Media Marketing Consultants. We develop messages and content that could be shared via Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

This strategy provides several benefits. The messages reach to networks and users of all types of social media. The created content will surely get user’s attention and increase the possibility of purchase of a product or would be shared with others. Digital Marketers create viral content that are designed to spread among the users quickly. Social media marketing also invites and encourages customers to create and share their reviews and comments which is called “earned media.” Eventually this will lead to high return on investment for your business.


Make Use Of Social Media Marketing

Are you interested in making use of this great channel – Social Media Marketing for your business? You are always welcome to contact us. We help you reach new customers, interact with existing customers, and promote your businesses, projects and other undertakings to successful levels.